Frolic Goats High Pressure Workshop

Date: Sunday August 24th and Monday, August 25th 2025
Time: to be announced
Venue: Faculty of Chemistry,  Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Registration Fee: 40 EUR
How to register: ECM35 Registration Form
Number of seats: 15


For nearly two decades, the main purpose of the Frolic Goats High-Pressure Workshops has been the popularization of high-pressure techniques among crystallographers and materials researchers. Both newcomers and experienced participants are welcome. Short introductory lectures on the preparation of high-pressure experiments using a diamond-anvil cells, piston-and-cylinder press and Bridgman anvils as well as optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements will be presented; the laboratory hands-on exercises will follow. There will be time to discuss possible projects and high-pressure results. You will see that high-pressure studies are not that complicated and provide lots of information! 




​to be announced



Andrzej Katrusiak,
Marcin Podsiadło,
Anna Olejniczak,
Ewa Patyk-Kaźmierczak,
Szymon Sobczak,                                                                                       
Kinga Roszak,
Michalina Rusek,
Ida Moszczyńska,
Paulina Ratajczyk,
Natalia Sacharczuk,                                                                                     
Shiva Batmanghelich                                                                                     
Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
