Your next crystallographic highpoint ECM 2025, Lviv-Poznan

At the XXV Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography in Prague, it was decided that the 35th edition of the European Crystallographic Meeting would be held in Lviv, Ukraine, in 2025.

Lviv is the largest city and an important cultural centre in western Ukraine. Traces of the Polish and Austro-Hungarian heritage are everywhere present in the architecture, where Ukrainian and other European styles interact, and the historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The city hosts several institutions of higher education, among which the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which was founded in the XVII century. The possibilities of X-ray diffraction were early seen and applied, with a particular focus on crystal structures of inorganic and intermetallic compounds still today.

Lviv is also the home of many cultural institutions, including Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra and Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The visitor gets impregnated by the particular charm of the city, created by beautiful architecture alternating with tree-lined streets and parks, shops and restaurants competing in creativity, the youthful atmosphere of a university city, and the light flavour of Lvivski chocolate and coffee.

That is Lviv, our beloved city, and we would have been so happy to welcome you here. Unfortunately, there is a war in Ukraine, and it is not reasonable to organize a great scientific event in Lviv in 2025. An alternative was thus elaborated where, thanks to a collaboration between the Ukrainian Crystallographic Committee and the Polish Crystallographic Association, the conference site will be Poznan, a city in neighbouring Poland.

It is a pleasure for us to join our forces in elaborating an attractive scientific program that will show the multiple aspects and broad possibilities of Crystallography.

On behalf of the European Crystallographic Association and the Ukrainian Crystallographic Committee, I cordially invite you to ECM35 in Poznan – and to Lviv when the war will be over

Roman Gladyshevskii

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Chair of the ECM35 Programme Committee

The preparation for ECM35 has a long and unique story.

A preliminary bid prepared by Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Lviv Convention Bureau was discussed in 2019 during ECM33 in Vienna. However, in 2020, the entire world was paused by COVID-19. In 2021, during the XXV Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography in Prague, the ECA Council accepted the bid from Lviv to host ECM35 in 2025. Unfortunately, in 2022, Russia began its war against Ukraine. During ECM33 in Versailles, the ECA Council confirmed Lviv as the hosting city of ECM35, but as the war continued, in 2023, the Polish Crystallographic Association and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan offered their support. Ultimately, ECM35 will have a binary location: Lviv and Poznan.

Now, a few words about Poznan, the city where ECM35 will eventually take place. Poznan is an old and beautiful city, and one of the largest academic and research centers in Poland. It is also one of the oldest and most important cities in the country. It can be argued that this is the place where Poland, as a country, was born more than a thousand years ago. I truly hope you will have the time (the organizers will certainly ensure this) to visit the most important historical sites here.

So, we cordially invite you to participate in the 35th European Crystallographic Meeting, Lviv – Poznan, Ukraine – Poland. We are confident it will be a time of fruitful exchange of thoughts, new ideas, and new contacts, as well as an opportunity to get to know this very special and beautiful part of Poland and prepare to visit Lviv after the Victory.  

Maciej Kubicki

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań,
Chair of Organizing Committee


Grygoriy Dmytriv

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Co-chair of Organizing Committee